Three-shot allergy treatment may combat cedar fever

Doctors are already gearing up for the most difficult season in Austin—cedar fever. It's an allergy sufferer’s worst nightmare.

Aspire Allergy & Sinus is introducing a new treatment called ExACT Immunoplasty. Dr. Christopher Thompson with AA&S said researchers studied the treatment for 20 years in Switzerland.

"They had the idea of injecting directly into the lymph node and bypass everything in between and low and behold they found out that it only took three treatments,” Thompson said. "They found that it was the equivalent of three to five years of allergy shots."

Aspire Allergy & Sinus conducted their own research in Austin and focused on cedar fever, testing the treatment on 23 patients. Researchers learned the treatment either significantly decreased a patients’ symptoms or completely knocked out their allergies.

"This therapy in three treatments over two months,” Thompson said. “We really think it will give you lifelong protection for your allergies."

ExACT Immunoplasty costs about $2,500.

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