TPWD launches greater roadrunner conservation license plate | FOX 7 Austin

TPWD launches greater roadrunner conservation license plate

The Greater Roadrunner Conservation license plate was launched this week by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). 

It will raise money to support nature tourism, wildlife viewing programs, habitat conservation projects and more.

"The greater roadrunner is an iconic image for Texans that can be seen in every county of the state and is one of the toughest birds around—it’s even known for eating rattlesnakes," said Shelly Plante, TPWD’s Nature Tourism manager. "It’s also one of the few birds people recognize and remember the first time they see it, given its unique profile—all of which makes it the perfect symbol for Texas wildlife viewing and nature tourism."

The image of the roadrunner on the new plate was donated by Texas wildlife photographer Hector Astorga

Last April, the public was asked to vote for their favorite roadrunner license plate designed. TPWD says the winner, shown in the image below, shows a roadrunner in a "proud, confident stance, a signature look for this Texas bird."

"Wildlife photography opens people’s eyes to what we need to protect," Astorga says. "That leads to conservation and preserving the habitat that these wild creatures need to survive."

The greater roadrunner conservation license plate is $30 a year, with $22 going directly towards a variety of programs such as the Great Texas Wildlife Trails, Texas Paddling Trails and the Great Texas Birding Classic. TPWD says these programs make it easier for the public to view Texas wildlife and nature. Plates are available for vehicles, RV's and travel trailers as well as motorcycles. 

This plate will be joining many other plates supporting conservation. Other designs include a horned lizard, largemouth bass, hummingbird, white-tailed deer, bluebonnet and more. Click here to view all conservation designs.

In the last 22 years, the TPWD Conservation License Plate Program has raised $10.5 million benefiting Texas fisheries, rivers, state parks, research and management, says Janis Johnson, the program marking lead.

"The conservation license plate program creates license plates that people enjoy and want to buy while also knowing their plate fee goes to the worthy cause of helping fund conservation projects in Texas," added Plante.

TexasWild Nature