Travis County ESD No. 2 offers firework safety tips ahead of July 4th | FOX 7 Austin

Travis County ESD No. 2 offers firework safety tips ahead of July 4th

Travis County ESD No. 2 is offering some firework safety tips ahead of the July 4th holiday.

In 2022, ESD No. 2 says it saw a 142% increase in normal call volume during the holiday and responded to 97 incidents including medical calls, grass fires, trash fires and structure fires. 

In light of this, ESD No. 2 is offering some safety tips and reminders for those celebrating:

Make Fireworks a Family Activity

  • Before the holiday, make a point to discuss fireworks safety with everyone in your family
  • Never let children purchase fireworks without parents present — even older kids
  • Insist on adult supervision whenever fireworks are being lit – even for older kids. Children age 10 to 14 years old get the second-most number of fireworks burns and injuries
  • Never allow kids younger than kindergarten-age to hold any fireworks on their own, including sparklers, which reach temperatures hot enough to melt metal. Pass the sparklers to much older kids and adults to carefully light one at a time – ideally wearing gloves.

Respect Vets, Pets, and Neighbors

  • Keep in mind that the sound of fireworks can be very stressful for veterans and others with PTSD, anxiety, autism, or sensory sensitivities. It also scares many dogs and other pets.
  • When a holiday falls on a weeknight, remember that most people will be getting up early the next day and go to work. Please respect your neighbors’ work schedule.
  • Fireworks are poisonous to pets so be sure not to leave behind any used fireworks where pets spend time

Preparations and Safe Lighting

  • Only light fireworks outside on a flat surface far from any homes or buildings
  • Don’t light fireworks near dry grass or leaves
  • Before you light a firework, take a good look around to be sure there aren’t any people or pets in range of possibly getting hurt.
  • Don’t lean over firework devices or place your hand over them when lighting. Immediately back up as far as you can after lighting as the body parts that suffer the most fireworks injuries are fingers, hands, eyes, face, and ears.

Safe Disposal of Fireworks

  • Don’t try to re-light fireworks that didn’t work on the first try
  • Thoroughly soak all fireworks, even the ones that did not work, in a bucket of water or with a hose before putting in the trash

Residents can enjoy fireworks safely and legally with professional fireworks shows, such as the Pfirecracker Pfestival in Pflugerville or the 4th Fest in Wells Branch.

Within the City of Pflugerville boundaries, all fireworks, including sparklers, are illegal year round to possess or use. Residents can report concerns to the Pflugerville police non-emergency number at 512-990-6700.

In unincorporated Travis County outside city limits, fireworks generally are legal but with several limitations:

  • Fireworks cannot be used on public roadways.
  • Fireworks cannot be used on school district property.
  • Fireworks cannot be used within 600 feet of any church, a licensed child-care center, a hospital, or school unless with written permission
  • Fireworks are illegal in county parks
  • Fireworks are illegal to use on Wells Branch Municipal Utility District (MUD) property, which includes all MUD facilities, parks, trails, greenbelts, the Pond, drainage detention areas, the veloway, and the grassy area located at Robert I. Walker and Charla Circle

For all other properties, written permission from the property owner must be obtained to light any personal fireworks, even if it’s a commercial property not in use at nighttime.

Residents can report fireworks concerns in unincorporated areas to the Travis County Sheriff’s dispatch number at 512 974-0845 then press OPTION 3 for fireworks issues.
