Trump to CNN reporter: 'You are fake news' | FOX 7 Austin

Trump to CNN reporter: 'You are fake news'

President-elect Donald Trump refused to answer a question from a CNN reporter at his first press conference since winning the election.

CNN’s Senior White House Correspondent, Jim Acosta can be heard repeating himself “Since you’re attacking our news organization can you give us a chance to ask a question, sir?”

“Your organization’s terrible,” Trump responded. “Don’t be rude. I’m not going to give you a question, you are fake news.”

Trump also called online media outlet Buzzfeed News a “failing pile of garbage” and argued the organization “will suffer the consequences.”

On Tuesday evening, CNN first published a report on Trump and Russia, Buzzfeed then published the 35-page document with the headline “These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia.” The article also notes, “The allegations are unverified, and the report contains errors.”

Statement from CNN

"CNN’s decision to publish carefully sourced reporting about the operations of our government is vastly different than Buzzfeed’s decision to publish unsubstantiated memos. The Trump team knows this. They are using Buzzfeed’s decision to deflect from CNN’s reporting, which has been matched by the other major news organizations. We are fully confident in our reporting. It represents the core of what the First Amendment protects, informing the people of the inner workings of their government; in this case, briefing materials prepared for President Obama and President-elect Trump last week. We made it clear that we were not publishing any of the details of the 35-page document because we have not corroborated the report’s allegations. Given that members of the Trump transition team have so vocally criticized our reporting, we encourage them to identify, specifically, what they believe to be inaccurate."

Shepard Smith: No journalist should be subject to belittling by the president-elect

“President-elect Trump today told CNN’s Jim Acosta that his organization amounts to fake news. CNN’s exclusive reporting on the Russian matter was separate and distinctly different from the document dump executed by an online news property. Though we at Fox News cannot confirm CNN's report, it is our observation that its correspondents follow journalistic standards and that neither they nor any other journalists should be subjected to belittling or delegitimizing by the President-elect of the United States.”