UT research claims ICUs could quickly fill with COVID-19 spikes
UT research claims ICUs could quickly fill with COVID-19 spikes
UT researchers have released a report predicting how the recent COVID-19 spike could impact hospital systems.
AUSTIN, Texas - As more COVID-19 cases continue to spike up across Central Texas, the Austin area is once again right in the thick of it.
"We are in the midst of a third pandemic surge in our metropolitan region. If we don’t act quickly to change our behavior and take more preventative precautions then that surge will strain our healthcare capacity," said UT research associate Dr Spencer Fox.
Dr. Fox is looking closely at this recent COVID-19 wave. He along with other researchers have released a report predicting how the recent COVID-19 spike could impact hospital systems.
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For local health officials, the increase in cases linked to the highly contagious Delta variant is expected to mean an increase in COVID-19 protocols.
"What we found with the surge, even with the vaccinated and previously infected individuals, the surge could be more than large enough to strain our healthcare capacity in our region," said Dr Fox.
In short the report reported if things stay the way they are, the ICU beds could be at capacity by the fall.
"Our results and projections suggest there’s enough vulnerability in our population that’s a surge that looks similar to what happened in the winter," said Dr. Fox.
As the number of new COVID-19 cases continue to climb, Dr. Fox said they found the vaccination rate for the Austin area has dropped considerably over the past few weeks.
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As hospital cases of coronavirus increase, Austin Public Health officials say the community should act as if we are moving to Stage 4.
"So even if we are actually able to increase vaccination rates over the next few weeks, we’re already in the midst of the surge. Those vaccines won’t be able to prevent the surge from happening," said Dr. Fox.
According to Dr. Fox, their research suggested if the community takes immediate steps to help prevent the spread it could help bring down this current spike and in turn ease the hospitals.
"Like wearing a mask, continuing to go out and get vaccinated, socially distance, avoid large gatherings, particularly in high-risk locations like confined indoor spaces," he said.
Austin-Travis County businesses prepare for Stage 4
What are the Austin-Travis County COVID-19 risk-based guidelines?
Texas has seen nearly 9,000 COVID-19 deaths since February. All but 43 were unvaccinated people.
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