Veteran surprised with new home at Round Rock Express game

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It was a Round Rock Express game that U.S. Army veteran Chris Livesay will never forget. He sat with a representative of the PulteGroup's Built to Honor program.

Chris, like many other disabled vets had applied for a free home. "We kind of didn't tell him he was accepted, we said a lot of vets were up for this, we surprised him here tonight with the PulteGroup."

It came in the form of a box with a key inside, and the P.A. announcer did the rest.

"It's a key and it's to a new mortgage free home."

Soon after, they brought Chris and his wife Stephanie inside for a presentation and to face the cameras. "It's happened so quick it's hard to gather my thoughts... It's a very pleasant surprise, it's overwhelming I'm grateful, thank you so much."

We can't show the house, just a mock up, it's yet to be built. "Tomorrow he'll go to a model home and choose colors, exterior, everything to fixtures, tile and all the homes we build are handicapped accessible to fit the medical needs of Chris."

Pulte has been awarding homes for six years now, but this was the first baseball game presentation. "He served honorably served our country he fought for the freedoms we all enjoy every day, why we are here at this ballgame. It's the least we can do to give back and say thank you for your service."

Chris joined the army in 1991 and by 2003 he'd lost his left leg in a fire fight in southern Baghdad. "We were outnumbered and that's when I got shot, me and the other medic the bullet hit both of us. I'm lucky to be here, I'm a medical miracle, so I'm very fortunate, god has a plan I guess."

And apparently part of that plan was a new home with no mortgage payments.