Victim of I-35 rock incident says a safety alert is needed

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The deep gouge in the hood of this SUV marks where a stone first made impact and then smashed into Lane Pelesack's windshield.

"Out of nowhere heard this crazy smack against the windshield and all this glass came shattering through the windshield and so it's all over may body at that point I had cuts on my arm that started bleeding from the glass," said Pelesack .

It happened as she drove North on the I-35 lower deck early Sunday morning.

"I didn't see the rock, but the image of that feeling of omg what happened and that scary thought going through my mind will continue to stay with me."

Her shock has now been replaced by questions about why what happened came without any warning.

" I feel, personally that's what I want to do, is warn people to avoid that area cause if I had known I wouldn't have gone that direction at night and will not be going that way anymore in the future," said Peleshack.

The incidents began a year ago, and since then investigators say they have worked about 30 cases. Pictures from some of the vehicles that have been hit indicate the rocks are about the size of softballs. The incidents which have occurred between 45th street and Manor Rd briefly stopped in January but picked up again in February. Austin police say safety alerts were not issued because they have yet to determine if someone is throwing the rocks or if its debris falling off a truck.

"Yes there have been suspects, there have been people we looked at, we have not been able to hold someone accountable for this at this point in time," said APD Sgt Jim Kettleman.

The only clues seem to be the rocks themselves; like the one that crashed into Michael Pena's truck grill last year.

"And definitely it's not from part of the bridge? It looks like landscape rock."

"it's a shiny orange colored rock, doesn't look like anything off any of the bridges," said Pena in a July 2014 interview.

As for the rock that hit - Lane Peleshack it was found Tuesday afternoon in the back seat of her SUV. A stark reminder to always being aware.

"I just felt like I was completely not in the know of what's going on and I want to make sure other people and my friends in Austin were aware of the situation so they don't have to have the same thing happen to them."

Lane Peleshack went on to tell FOX7 that while she has insurance she still has to pay her $500 deductible because no arrests have been made.

Investigators are not planning on setting up cameras but they do say they are stepping up patrols in the area.