VIDEO: Metro passenger drags man suffering seizures off train in Long Beach | FOX 7 Austin

VIDEO: Metro passenger drags man suffering seizures off train in Long Beach

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Disturbing video shows a Metro blue line passenger dragging an unconscious man off a train Wednesday night, after witnesses say the man didn’t want to delay his ride while waiting for paramedics and now police are investigating.

The incident happened at the Wardlow station in Long Beach, and was caught on camera by a witness who met with FOX 11 on Thursday and asked to be called Billion.

“Dude just had a seizure, and this white boy gonna drag him off the train so he don’t miss his ride,” Billon says in the video as he confronts the man.

Billion told FOX 11 the unconscious man was suffering from seizures, had thrown up on the train before collapsing, and was still wearing a medical wristband.

“In the top part of his head he had a hole but he also had metal staples in his head looking like he was fresh out the hospital,” Billion said.

Billion said the drama all started when he noticed a man in a suit being confronted by other passengers on the train. He went over to check it out, and saw the unconscious man on the ground.

“I still wasn’t aware that the white guy had actually, from what people were saying, he had pulled the person who had passed out from his seat, over to the ground,” Billion said. “And all of a sudden right in front of me, he starts dragging the guy right off the train.”

Video shows the unconscious mans pants falling down, leaving his genitals exposed, as the suited man positions him outside the train.

“So we all initially responded telling him to get his hands off him or whatever and the guys pants fell all the way down so he was naked, so he stopped for a second, pulled his pants up, laid him out on the ground,” Billion said.

Billion says it’s clear what the suited man’s motivation was, he didn’t want to be delayed.

“There are a lot of people on this train that have to get home,” the man can he heard saying in the video.

Eventually paramedics did arrive to take care of the man, and the train was held.

Long Beach Fire told FOX 11 he was treated for seizures and was taken to a nearby hospital in stable condition.

Metro first became aware of the incident when FOX 11 showed them the video. They released the following statement:

“Metro is working with our law enforcement partners in investigating an incident at the Metro Blue Line’s Wardlow Station when an unconscious male was removed from a Blue Line train by another rider. Obviously, this is very disturbing and we never want to see this on our system. We’re getting all the facts including reviewing the video from the train and the platform, and we’ll share more details when they’re available.”

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