Water boil notice impacting Austin restaurants, schools
Water boil notice impacting Austin restaurants, schools
Restaurants aren’t the only ones affected by the boil water notice in Austin, schools in the area have also taken action.
AUSTIN, Texas - The citywide boil water notice has impacted the restaurant industry which relies heavily on water.
"We’re boiling water and keeping people safe," said Skeeter Miller the owner of The County Line BBQ.
Signs that alert customers about the boil water notice can be found in restaurants across the city like County Line. Miller said as soon as they got the notice from the city, they moved quickly and stocked up on bottled water and bags of ice.
Miller says they also boil the water from their sinks in between orders. "We already had a plan in place, so we can kick it into gear really fast."
When it comes to a restaurant, water is a key ingredient.
"It’s in everything. Water is in your ice tea, water is in your soda machines which is why you have to turn them off and get the can sodas. It’s also your ice which is a big deal in a restaurant, so you have to order ice in and then your preparation of your food," said Miller.

This marks three citywide boil water notices within the past four years.
This marks three citywide boil water notices within the past four years. Tie this in with the pandemic, this year and last year's winters storms, and the struggle to hire, Miller said the past couple of years have not been easy for their industry.
"It’s just a constant battle right now. Honestly, it’s like we aren’t phased any more we just keep powering forward, and thank goodness for all the people in Austin that are supporting restaurants by going out to eat that’s helped tremendously."
Restaurants aren’t the only ones affected by the boil water notice, schools in the area have also taken action. Austin ISD stocked up their schools with bottled water.
Travis and Williamson County are assisting Austin residents by distributing water, Williamson County said they were quick to assist partially because they have a lot of water left over from the winter storms last year.
"We kept those pallets they were on stand by and ready to go," said Williamson County Judge Bill Gravell.
Water crisis continues in Austin as medical experts issue their own warning
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