West Nile virus found in Georgetown again; ground spraying set for this week

West Nile virus has been detected again in Georgetown and ground spraying is scheduled this week, weather permitting.

Two positive mosquito trap samples were collected on July 23 from sites in Emerald Springs Park and Pinnacle Park. 

Truck-mounted spraying is planned for the evenings of August 2 and 3, weather permitting, near Pinnacle Park in southeast Georgetown and Emerald Springs Park near Williams Drive and Wagon Wheel Trail. The insecticide is designed to reduce the adult mosquito population in those areas.

Although the mosquito control product poses no significant health risk, people and pets may want to stay indoors during spraying if possible.


According to the county health district's surveillance dashboard, four sites in Georgetown and one site in Hutto tested positive for West Nile virus during Week 30.

Since West Nile virus testing began in May, 23 trap samples in Williamson County have tested positive and there has been one reported human case.

Symptoms of infection may include fever, headache, and body aches, a skin rash on the trunk of the body, and swollen lymph nodes. Those aged 50 and older and/or with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk for severe symptoms, which may include stiffness, disorientation, coma, tremors, vision loss, paralysis, and in rare cases, death.

Health officials urge residents to eliminate places where mosquitoes can breed as well as reduce the chances of being bitten.

As part of its Fight the Bite campaign, WCCHD recommends the 3 Ds of mosquito safety:

  • Drain standing water in flowerpots, pet dishes, or clogged gutters, so mosquitoes don’t have a place to breed and treat water that can’t be drained
  • Defend by using an EPA-registered insect repellent
  • Dress in long sleeves and pants when outdoors

For more information, go to the WCCHD website or visit the Texas Department of State Health Services West Nile website. WCCHD also has a Mosquito Surveillance Dashboard that shows positive trap locations on a map and other information.