Westlake HS students selected for funding at National Pitch competition

A team of Westlake High School seniors has been selected to receive funding at the National Pitch competition in Chicago this week.

PharmAssist, the Westlake HS Business Incubator team, was awarded up to $10,000 with the condition that what they raise on their own will be matched by INCubatoredu, the entrepreneurship program that runs the competition

PharmAssist offers a simplified and personalized medication platform that reduces medicinal risks and increases user safety, says Eanes ISD, and team members Andrew Depwe, Zach Edens, Mason Mireur, Amaan Rumi, Parker Steen and Megan Swett have already been approached by a healthcare company wanting to provide additional funding.

A team of Westlake High School seniors has been selected to receive funding at the National Pitch competition this week. (Eanes ISD)

Earlier this year, PharmAssist won the Westlake HS Business Incubator Pitch Night, garnering $15,000 to further their app.

Eanes ISD says that Westlake High School's Business Incubator is a rigorous entrepreneurial class based on the Lean Startup method and has allowed students to form numerous businesses. In the program, students acquire foundational business concepts, then apply those concepts to the team’s new business idea. 

From concept to Minimum Viable Product to Pitch, students hypothesize, test, iterate and learn from feedback. Importantly, they learn while working in a collaborative team-based environment developing "soft skills," says the district.