Wounded veterans making trek across country

Wounded veterans are in Austin as they make way through Texas during a thousand mile walk across the country. 

Six veterans are participating in Walk of America and Austin is one of the major stops. It's a twelve week walk that started in Los Angeles on June 2nd and is scheduled to end in New York on September 5th.

The walk is to raise awareness for veterans battling with mental health. It also raises money to support British and American wounded veterans.

The six vets are walking more than 19 miles all throughout Austin. The starting location was Blizzard Entertainment off Spectrum Drive and they're expected to finish at the Stevie Ray Vaughn Statue at Auditorium Shores at around 8 or 8:30 p.m.

Earlier this week, the vets were in Dallas, Belton and Georgetown. 

The public is invited to go and cheer the vets on as they reach the finish line. 

After Austin the veterans are going to San Antonio, then Victoria and the last stop in Texas is Beaumont.

For more information you can go here.
