Volunteers, Gov. Abbott lay wreaths on graves at Texas State Cemetery

With the holidays rolling right around the corner, central Texans took the time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

"None of us could ever fully repay the debt we owe to all of the heroes who are buried in this cemetery here," Gov. Greg Abbott said at a wreath-laying ceremony. "But what we can do is to honor their service and their sacrifice by blanketing their resting places with wreaths of remembrance."

Gov. Abbott was in attendance to lay a wreath down and thank the men and women who served our country.

"The wreaths we're about to lay, we show we will never forget the price they pay so that we all can be free," Gov. Abbott said. "May God bless who serve and may God forever bless the United States of America."

The holiday season is typically the time of year loved ones gather together, and Wreaths Across America made sure no fallen service member is forgotten this season.

"These people are not just honoring our veterans, but they're here for them even in their afterlife, so it's really appreciative all the people coming out here to help through this," said Harrison, a volunteer with the Young Men's Service League.


Central Texans of all ages took the time on Saturday morning to learn about the veteran who they laid a wreath for.

"And I think it's important that we honor and remember those who have come before us and pay our respects," said Chance Baker, an Austin resident. "It's important we brought out the family so the children really understand the history and the sacrifice many in these hollow grounds have taken."

"It makes me proud to see a lot of people are here for people who served our country," said Bowen, another volunteer with the Young Men's Service League. "It's really cool to see."