Zilker Tree Lighting to kick off holiday season on Nov. 26 | FOX 7 Austin

Zilker Tree Lighting to kick off holiday season on Nov. 26

It's almost time to light the Zilker Holiday Tree and kick off the holiday season in Austin.

The winners of the Zilker Tree Art Contest will help flip the switch on the 57th annual tree on Sunday, Nov. 26 at 6 p.m. 

The holiday tradition will also feature local entertainment, food and live music.


The lights are strung on one of the remaining Austin moonlight towers in Zilker Park. The tree stands 155 feet tall and comprises 39 streamers, each holding 81 bulbs, arranged in a unique spiral pattern by city electricians.

At the top of the tree sits a double star that measures 10 feet from point to point.

Zilker ParkHolidays