Tumultuous time at White House

From the ongoing situation with North Korea to a new proposal on immigration reform and a Twitter battle with U.S. Senator Bob Corker, President Trump and the White House have a lot going on. Dr. Brian Smith from St. Edward's talks more about it.

FOX 7 Discussion: Immigration policy changes

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was heckled by a group of protestors in San Francisco Monday. Recently she'd agreed with President Trump's latest action on undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as minors.

FOX 7 Discussion: Global Warming

We’ve had two major storms hit the United States during the last three weeks and a third storm "Hurricane Jose" is out in the Atlantic Ocean now.

President Trump visiting Austin

President Trump is expected to make a stop in Austin as part of a trip to Texas to survey the damage left behind by Hurricane Harvey. FOX 7's Jacqueline Sarkissian has more.