Facebook to label all rule-breaking posts - even Trump’s

“The policies we’re implementing today are designed to address the reality of the challenges our country is facing and how they’re showing up across our community,” Mark Zuckerberg wrote on his Facebook page announcing the changes.

As feds loom, states hit Facebook, Google with new probes

Two bipartisan groups of state attorneys general are launching separate antitrust investigations into Facebook and Google, adding to regulatory scrutiny of two of the world's largest and most ubiquitous tech companies.

Election security

This week, Facebook announced it uncovered new accounts trying to meddle in U.S. politics.

Facebook data leak

Facebook's privacy practices are being questioned sparking an investigation by the federal trade commission.

FOX Business Report - 10/16

Tesla lets hundreds of workers go. Tracee Carrasco talks about that and more from the FOX Business Studio.

FOX Business Report - 6/26

Is Facebook getting into the original video content game? Lauren Simonetti talks about that and more from the FOX Business Studio.