All Cedar Park police officers now equipped with body worn cameras

Starting today, every sworn member of the Cedar Park Police Department will be equipped with a body worn camera. 

The mobile vision device provides officers with the ability to take photos and video footage during calls for service and proactive interaction with the community. The body cameras sync with the police department's in-car camera system.

At the end of a shift, officers download the footage where it is available for retrieval for 90 days unless it is needed for evidence in which case it is kept until no longer needed.

The process of equipping Cedar Park officers with body worn cameras has been ongoing for several years and was completed in stages. The cameras each cost approximately $500 and were purchased with allocated police department funds.

In a press release the Cedar Park Police Chief Sean Mannix says, ""I believe we owe it to the public and to law enforcement to document incidents using the technology available. Body cameras bring accountability to everyone involved in an encounter whether it be an everyday traffic stop or a more serious incident that requires use of force.  These body cameras give us another tool to verify information and to learn and grow based on what we see both from our officers and the public."
