Austin man claims to have found the “baby” in 1994 VHS tape from Goodwill

After stumbling across an old VHS tape of a baby's first steps, an Austin director said he has been in contact with the family who recorded it.

"That's one of the biggest moments you can have that's when they stop being a baby and become a person," said Jim McKay commenting on the video.

A VHS tape timestamped from 1994 wasn't the Goodwill find McKay was expecting to discover when purchasing a VCR for a movie project.

RELATED: Austin man finds prized family possession inside donated VCR

"As soon as I fired it up this tape spit out and there was no label, there was no blockbuster or a Disney movie,” said McKay. "It was like I thought almost blank and as I pulled it out I saw this homemade label on the top it was written in handwriting."
Being a dad himself, McKay knows just how important these moments are to a parent so he sought out to try and find the family, but with the only clue being the faint calling of the baby's name, finding them was easier said than done.

"After I watched it, I thought if I was that dad or even the child or the mom I would want that back. It's from so long ago and it's a really important moment in their lives," said McKay. "I can't just walk away from this."
McKay took to social media with a video trying to locate someone who might know the family. Shortly after posting the video, McKay said he's been in contact with who appears to be the baby from the tape saying "Oh my god Tyre just called me!! We freaking found him ya'll". 

McKay hasn't released further details on the family but said he plans to document the family's reaction when eventually meeting up with them.

McKay posted on social media Monday about how a digital copy was made of the video from the tape. There is no word yet on when the meet up will be.

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