Back-to-school fashion at Hill Country Galleria

It may be hard to believe but the new school year is almost here for a lot of Central Texas students, so it's definitely the perfect time to start looking for clothes to wear on the first day and for the rest of the year.

Wardrobe stylist Caleigh Hill was out at Hill Country Galleria with a look at some popular and on-trend fashions right now that she's seeing. Hill joined FOX 7 Austin's Tierra Neubaum to feature looks from Dillards, Dick's, Lululemon, H&M, and ADORN boutique.


Hill Country Galleria also has several great dining options if you're looking to chill in between shopping. They also have events like "Live Music on the Lawn" every Friday from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and a Farmer's Market every Sunday.

Another reason to head out is that Texas Tax-Free Weekend starts at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, August 5 and goes through midnight on Sunday, August 7. Most clothing, school supplies and backpacks sold for less than $100 will be sold without tax, saving Texans about $8 for every $100 they spend.

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