Bronco Off-Roadeo '4xFun' experience in Horseshoe Bay opens
Outdoor adventure with Bronco Off-Roadeo '4xFun'
Just up the road in Horseshoe Bay, you'll soon be able to try a new experience that will allow people to go on a thrilling, outdoor adventure across rugged terrain. FOX 7 Austin's Tierra Neubaum got details and tried it out herself.
HORSESHOE BAY, Texas - If you're looking for an off-roading, outdoor adventure that's not too far from Austin you can head just up the road to Horseshoe Bay where you can try the Bronco Off-Roadeo "4xFun" experience.
It's one of only four spots in the U.S. to off-road in a Ford Bronco and is designed for all skill levels.
Starting July 1, Bronco Off-Roadeo’s "4xFun" is open to the public. The experience is great for novices and experts alike, and includes ground school, trail drive with on-trail education, and thrilling challenges across rugged terrain.
Bronco Off-Roadeo '4xFun' in Horseshoe Bay
Starting July 1, there'll be a new experience open to the public that will allow people to go on a thrilling, outdoor adventure across rugged terrain. FOX 7 Austin's Tierra Neubaum got details.
The adventure was specifically designed to build your confidence off-road and provide you with a look into the world of exciting off-road and outdoor adventures.
Other locations for the owner-exclusive experience are in Moab, Nevada, and New Hampshire.
Get more details here.
Bronco Off-Roadeo '4xFun' provides exciting off-road, outdoor adventure
Starting July 1, there'll be a new experience open to the public that will allow people to go on a thrilling, outdoor adventure across rugged terrain in Horseshoe Bay. FOX 7 Austin's Tierra Neubaum tried it out and got details.