California man breaks record for making 2,995 consecutive visits to Disneyland

A California man made the Guinness World Records book for the most consecutive visits to Disneyland

Jeff Reitz has visited the Anaheim theme park for 2,995 consecutive days; that's a total of eight years, three months, and 13 days.

According to Guinness World Records, Reitz started his journey in 2012.

"It started as a joke between friends when Disneyland announced they were giving an ‘Extra Disney Day’ when they announced the Leap Day 24-hour event in 2012," Jeff told Guinness World Records. 

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After visiting for 366 days, Disneyland presented Reitz with a gift basket along with certificate of Honorary Citizenship. 

Reitz told Guinness World Records that he hoped to reach the 3,000 consecutive visit mark, but the coronavirus pandemic stopped his Disneyland streak on March 14, 2020. 

"I have not set a return date yet, but now I think it would be really fun to return with my Guinness World Records title certificate to get pictures where I earned it — inside Disneyland," said Jeff.
