2 AISD schools cleared as safe after reports of armed subjects

2 AISD schools were cleared this afternoon after an investigation into reports of armed subjects.

AISD Police Chief Ashley Gonzalez said the campuses of Murchison Middle School and Northeast Early College High School were been placed on lockdown while officers investigated the reports.

A representative for AISD says there were reports of a possible weapon at both locations.

Murchison went into lockdown at 1:51 p.m, while Northeast Early College High School went into lockdown not even 10 minutes later at 2:01 p.m.

Murchison was released after 30 minutes, with no weapon reported as being found. Not long after, NEC High was also cleared with no weapon detected. 

"Austin ISD Police responded to two separate incidents Friday afternoon to investigate reports of a gun on campus at Murchison Middle School and Northeast Early College High School. No weapons were found after extensive searches of the campus," said Eddie Villa Deputy Press Secretary for AISD. "We appreciate the vigilance of our campus communities who heard claims of a gun on campus and quickly told police, who then investigated the incidents. Our systems worked. We remind everyone: if you see something, say something."

Both locations have now been deemed safe with and the schools are returning to normal operation

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