Possible mountain lion reported in Wimberley park

The Hays County Constable Precinct 3 said they have reports of a possible mountain lion near Blue Hole Park.

The constable’s office said two deer have been killed by what they believe was a mountain lion.

The first carcass was discovered on Flight Acres and the second at Blue Hole Park.

“The public's not at risk, but, if you're not familiar with the country environment, you need to be aware of your surroundings anytime you get in an area such as this,” said Sgt. Gary Griffin with the Hays County Constable Precinct 3.

Parks Manager for the City of Wimberley Tom Harrington reported one of the dead deer to the constable's office.

“Possibly coyotes brought her down, but it looked like something big brought her down because there were drag marks through the brush,” Harrington said.

While it's not common to see the big cats in Wimberley it's not unheard of either according to Harrington.

“There have been people that say that they've seen them. I have not,” said Harrington.

The constable’s office said in years past people have supposedly spotted mountain lions in the Woodcreek and Woodcreek North area, but Blue Hole Park hasn't had any recent reports until now.

“A cat can cover a lot of ground, 40 to 60 miles a day is not unusual for an animal such as that,” Griffin said.

Arturo Ramon said the possible wild predator is something he considered before visiting the park with his family. “There's a handgun in that bag over there just in case,” said Ramon.

“It's slightly disconcerting, but, ultimately, I think that we're pretty safe and, like Art said, we did bring back up just in case there is any problems,” said Jessica Brechot Ramon who was with Arturo at the park.

The constable's office recommends people at the park carry wasp spray as a precaution, but said much like snakes; mountain lions just want to be left alone.

The constable’s office put up game cameras to try and confirm there is in fact a mountain lion in the area.

If they do, they said they will contact Texas Parks and Wildlife so the animal can be tracked or, if necessary, trapped and moved to another location.
