Trump unleashes fury at impeachment enemies at prayer event

“They have done everything possible to destroy us and by so doing very badly hurt our nation,” said Trump, who triumphantly held up copies of two newspapers with huge "ACQUITTED!" headlines as he took the stage.

State of the Union: Trump touts 'Great American Comeback' in address

Standing before a Congress and nation sharply divided by impeachment, President Donald Trump used his State of the Union address Tuesday to extol a “Great American Comeback” on his watch, just three years after he took office decrying a land of “American carnage” under his predecessor.

Trump's job approval rating highest since taking office, Gallup says

New polling by Gallup reveals that President Trump's approval rating is at an all-time high, as he prepares to deliver his third State of the Union address Tuesday night and the Senate is expected to acquit him in his impeachment trial on Wednesday.

Trump trial could end soon; Alexander says no to witnesses

Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee will oppose calling more witnesses in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, all but dashing Democratic efforts to hear more testimony and boosting odds the Senate will vote imminently to acquit without new testimony, in a matter of days.

GOP lacks votes to block trial witnesses, McConnell concedes

President Donald Trump's lawyers have made their closing case for a speedy impeachment acquittal, but Republicans who heard hours of arguments signaled that they were not yet ready to block witnesses and bring the trial to a close

GOP defends Trump as John Bolton book adds pressure for witnesses

Senators faced mounting pressure Monday to summon John Bolton to testify at President Donald Trump's impeachment trial even as Trump's lawyers mostly brushed past extraordinary new allegations from the former national security adviser and focused instead on corruption in Ukraine and historical arguments for acquittal.