Have less than $1,000 in the bank? It isn't hopeless

In a recent survey, 46 percent of Americans said they did not have enough money to cover a $400 medical emergency. In the same survey, 69 percent had less than $1,000 in savings -- and half of those had nothing.

Fortunately, you can start saving right now, even if you feel like you’re living paycheck to paycheck.

1. Already using cash, instead of cards, to curb your spending? Now, instead of "saving your pennies," save every $5 bill you get. Those add up.

2. Automate the process. Every time your paycheck hits the bank, set it up so your savings account instantly grabs a small percent.

3. Cut down on streaming memberships.

4. Reevaluate your gym membership. If you're committed to fitness, try working out at home. (The stranger renting your spare room will love it!)

5. Brew your own coffee and bringing your lunch instead of eating out.

Get a hold of how you spend today and feel better about tomorrow. Save yourself with your savings. 
