Muslims and protestors gather for Texas Muslim Capitol Day
AUSTIN, Texas - Thursday, hundreds from all over the state visited Austin for "Muslim Day at the Capitol," but anti-Muslim protestors did whatever they could to interrupt the event. Less than one minute into Muslim Day an anti-Muslim protestor took over the microphone.
"I declare the name of the Lord Jesus Christ over the capital of Texas. I stand against Islam and the false prophet Mohammad. Islam will never dominate the United States and by the grace of God it will not dominate Texas," protestor Christine Weick shouted into the microphone.
Hundreds of middle school and high school students are bused in from all over the state to celebrate Muslim Day.
"We all belong here. It is our right and responsibility to be here on the steps of the Texas Capitol," said Ruth Nasrullah, communications coordinator with the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Protestor's voices echoed throughout the entire event and Muslim students couldn't help but take it personally.
"This is the greatest country to practice any religion in, including Islam, because we have the freedom to do that here and that's why it saddens me to see people protesting against a religion when freedom is what we're all about here," said Nasrullah.
"We do have freedom of speech and they have freedom of speech too, but just not too long ago the leader of CAIR said that Sharia law was superior to our laws and I don't see that being the case and if they can't abide by our laws then they need to go home," said anti-Muslim protestor Shannon Carpenter.
Nasrullah said they hoped Muslim Day would be a peaceful, educational event.
"This is an opportunity for everyone, including our elected officials, to hear what we're all about and I know that our government is open to hearing us even if they don't agree with us," said Nasrullah.
The opposition was somewhat expected. Dozens of additional troopers helped keep the peace on the Capitol steps.
"People get scared and people go crazy, but let them get scared. Let them go crazy," said one man with the Muslim Day event.
Outrageous behavior wasn't limited to what happened on the Capitol steps, State Rep. Molly White of Belton brought the protest right to her office door.
On social media White said she left an Israeli flag on her receptionist's desk in response to the event. White also told her staff to ask visitors to announce allegiance to America and American laws.
"Of course we have no problem pledging allegiance to the country, but we'll have to talk to our organizers and see if there's a specific response to that," Nasrullah said.
The Council on American -Islamic Relations did respond Thursday afternoon. CAIR asked House Speaker Joe Straus for an ethics ruling on White's office policy.
Straus released this statement in response to CAIR's request:
"The Texas Capitol belongs to all the people of this state, and legislators have a responsibility to treat all visitors just as we expect to be treated-- with dignity and respect. Anything else reflects poorly on the entire body and distracts from the very important work in front of us."
Although this is the seventh year for "Muslim Day at the Capitol," CAIR organizers said they have never had this kind of opposition before.